Best Rated

Some of the most popular R libraries for data science include:

  • dplyr for data manipulation
  • ggplot2 for data visualization
  • caret for machine learning
  • tidyr for tidying data
  • lme4 for linear mixed-effects models

This course on Data Science with R Programming is likely intended for individuals who are interested in learning how to use the R programming language for data analysis and modeling tasks. It may be a good fit for individuals with a background in statistics, mathematics, or computer science, or for those who have experience with other programming languages and want to learn R for data science.

It may also be beneficial for professionals working in fields such as business, finance, marketing, or healthcare, who use data to make decisions and want to improve their data analysis skills. Additionally, students pursuing a degree in a field that uses data analysis could also benefit from taking this course.

  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • IT Professionals
  • Software Developers
Course curriculum
    1. Introduction to R:
    • Understanding R data types, such as vectors, matrices, and data frames.
    • Working with R data structures, such as lists and factors.
    • Understanding the syntax and basic commands of the R language.
    • Installing and configuring R and RStudio.
    1. Data Manipulation:
    • Using the dplyr library to filter, group, and summarize data.
    • Using the tidyr library to reshape and reformat data.
    • Merging and joining multiple data sets.
    • Handling missing data and cleaning data sets.
    1. Data Visualization:
    • Creating various types of plots, such as bar charts, line plots, and scatter plots.
    • Customizing plots with different colors, shapes, and sizes.
    • Creating interactive plots using the plotly library.
    • Creating maps using the ggmap library.
    1. Statistical Analysis:
    • Understanding basic statistical concepts, such as probability, normal distribution, and hypothesis testing.
    • Using R to perform t-tests, ANOVA, and chi-square tests.
    • Performing linear and logistic regression analysis.
    • Understanding the assumptions and limitations of statistical models.
    1. Machine Learning:
    • Understanding basic concepts of machine learning, such as supervised and unsupervised learning.
    • Using the caret library to build and evaluate machine learning models, such as decision trees, random forests, and support vector machines.
    • Understanding the bias-variance trade-off and overfitting.
    • Using R to perform feature selection and feature engineering.
    1. Data Wrangling:
    • Reading and writing data from various sources, such as CSV, Excel, and databases.
    • Scraping data from websites using the rvest library.
    • Using APIs to access data from online platforms.
    • Understanding the principles of data governance and data privacy.
    1. Data Exploration:
    • Understanding the different types of data and their properties.
    • Using R to summarize data, such as mean, median, and standard deviation.
    • Using R to create frequency tables, cross-tabulations, and pivot tables.
    • Identifying outliers and anomalies in data sets.
    1. Data Mining:
    • Understanding the principles of data mining, such as association rules and clustering.
    • Using R to perform association rule mining using the arules library.
    • Using R to perform clustering using the kmeans and hierarchical clustering algorithms.
    • Interpreting and visualizing the results of data mining algorithms.
    1. Text Mining:
    • Understanding the principles of text mining, such as tokenization and stemming.
    • Using R to perform text mining tasks, such as sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and text classification.
    • Using R libraries such as tm, SnowballC, and wordcloud.
    1. Big Data:
    • Understanding the challenges of big data, such as volume, velocity, and variety.
    • Using R to work with big data sets, such as handling missing data, data sampling, and parallel processing.
    • Using R libraries such as data.table and dplyr to work with large data sets.
    • Understanding the principles of distributed computing using R.


    • Data Modeling:


    • Types of models: Linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, random forest, support vector machines, and others.
    • Model selection: Choosing the appropriate model for a given problem based on the characteristics of the data and the problem at hand.
    • Model training: Using algorithms to fit the model to the data, such as gradient descent, backpropagation, etc.
    • Model evaluation: Assessing the performance of the model using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, etc.
    • Model fine-tuning: Adjusting the model's parameters to improve performance, such as regularization, feature selection, etc.
    • Model interpretation: Understanding the relationships and insights captured by the model, such as coefficients, feature importance, etc.
    1. Data Visualization:
    • Types of visualizations: Bar charts, line plots, scatter plots, heatmaps, etc.
    • Visual encoding: Using visual cues such as color, shape, and size to represent data.
    • Visual design: Choosing appropriate scales, axes, labels, and annotations to effectively convey the message.
    • Interactive visualizations: Creating plots that can be interacted with, such as zooming, panning, and hovering over data points.
    • Effective data storytelling: using visualizations to effectively convey insights and patterns to the audience.
    1. Project:
    • Problem statement: Defining the problem or question that needs to be solved or answered.
    • Data collection: Gathering and acquiring the necessary data to solve the problem.
    • Data analysis: Using R to perform data analysis and modeling tasks.
    • Data modeling: Using R to create statistical and machine learning models.
    • Data visualization: Using R to create interactive visualizations for data analysis and communication.
    • Project presentation: Communicating the results and insights of the project to the audience.
Data Science using R FAQ’s:
1.How do I get started with R and RStudio?

To get started with R and RStudio, you will first need to download and install R and RStudio on your computer. You can download R from the official website ( and RStudio from the RStudio website ( Once you have installed R and RStudio, you can open RStudio and start using it to write and execute R code.

2.How do I manipulate and clean data using dplyr and tidyr?

The dplyr and tidyr libraries in R are commonly used for data manipulation and cleaning. To use these libraries, you will need to install them first by running the command install.packages("dplyr") and install.packages("tidyr") in the R console. Once the libraries are installed, you can load them using the command library(dplyr) and library(tidyr). You can then use the functions provided by these libraries to filter, group, and summarize data, as well as reshape and reformat data.

3.How do I create different types of plots using ggplot2?

The ggplot2 library in R is a powerful tool for creating different types of plots. To use the ggplot2 library, you will need to install it first by running the command install.packages("ggplot2") in the R console. Once the library is installed, you can load it using the command library(ggplot2). You can then use the ggplot() function to create different types of plots, such as bar charts, line plots, and scatter plots. You can also customize the plots by adding different elements such as colors, shapes, and sizes.

4.How do I perform statistical analyses in R?

R has a wide variety of built-in functions and libraries for performing statistical analyses. To perform basic statistical analyses, such as t-tests, ANOVA, and chi-square tests, you can use the functions provided by the base R package. To perform more advanced statistical analyses, such as linear and logistic regression, you can use libraries such as lm() and glm() respectively.

5.How do I build and evaluate machine learning models in R?

R has a wide variety of libraries for building and evaluating machine learning models. The caret package is one of the most popular libraries for machine learning in R. It provides a consistent interface for building and evaluating models for various types of problems, such as classification and regression. You can install it by running the command install.packages("caret"), and then use the functions provided by the package to train and evaluate models.

6.How do I extract, transform, and load data from different sources?

R has built-in functions and libraries for reading and writing data from different sources, such as CSV, Excel, and databases. To read data from a CSV file, you can use the read.csv() function. To read data from an Excel file, you can use the readxl package. To connect to a database, you can use the DBI package and the appropriate database connector package

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