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Python Online Training

Course Overview

Describe Python?
Python is a well-liked high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy places a strong emphasis on the readability of the code, and programmers can express concepts in less code than they would be able to in languages like C because to its syntax. The language offers structures designed to support both small- and large-scale, concise programmes.

Key Features

  • Online
  • 40% of the format is theory and 60% is hands-on.
  • It lasts for 20 days and can last up to two hours each.
  • Corporate
  • 40% of the format is theory and 60% is hands-on.
  • It lasts for 5 days and can last up to 8 hours each.
  • Classroom
  • Private classrooms are available upon request, with a requirement of four students per batch.


Each participant should be familiar with the OS (Linux, Unix, Windows, Solaris, Mac OS X, etc.) that they will be running Python on. Basic knowledge of at least one other programming language is preferred but not required.

Course curriculum
  • Overview Of Python 

    Module 1
    Python Introduction
    How versatile is Python?
    Python: why?
    Python syntax is useful to know in comparison to other programming languages.
    Install Python
    Module 2: Basic Python Instructions
    The statement printed Comments
    Python Data Types & Data Structures
    Python String Operations
    basic input and output
    Python's Simple Output Formatting Operators
    Python Program Flow Indentation, Python Program Flow Indentation, 
    Module 3
    The If statement and the statement it refers to
    An illustration using the if and associated statement
    "while loop"
    The loop for
    The range assertion
    Examples of Break & Continue Asserts for Looping

    Module 4: Modules & Functions
    Develop original functions
    Variable arguments, parameters, and functions
    Function's Purpose
    Function Documentation
    Map & Lambda Functions Practice using functions
    Develop a Module
    Common Modules
    Module 5: Handling Errors and Exceptions
    handling exceptions using try handling Several Exceptions
    Creating a custom exception
    Module 6: Handling Files
    Modes of file handling
    File handling functions include reading, writing, and appending to files.
    The with assertion
    Module 7: Python Classes - New Style Classes
    Designing Classes
    Example Methods
    Polymorphism \sException Classes and Individual Exceptions

    Generators and iterators in Module 8
    Iterators \sGenerators
    The Functions, all of them
    With Declaration
    Compression of data
    Data structures in Module 9
    Comprehending lists
    Functions for Nested List Comprehensions and Dictionary Comprehension
    Standard Parameters
    Variable Defenses
    Dedicated Sorts
    tenth module: collections
    UserDict UserList default dict ChainMap Counter OrderedDict user string

    Module 11: Python GUI creation (Tkinter)
    Events and Components
    A GUI example
    primary Component
    Button Entry Widgets Addition
    Widgets for Text
    Look for buttons
    Introduction to Module 12: Python SQL Database Access
    Connection DB for Installation
    Making a DB Table
    operations for INSERT, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE
    Errors in the COMMIT & ROLLBACK operation
    Introduction to Network Programming in Module 13
    Clients and Servers in a Daytime Server
    Customer Program
    The server application

    Module 14: Date and Time Sleep Program Runtime Additional Date/Time Methods
    Module 15: A few more in-depth topics
    Filter \sMap
    A collection of frozen toys
    Split, a regular expression
    working with dates, emails, and unique characters
    all character sequences, match them, and then substitute.
    search strategy
    ESSENTIAL Threads in Module 16
    Threads and class
    Treads cases for the life cycle

Python Training Online FAQ’s:
1.What Is Python Used For?

Python can read from and write to Google Sheets. Make Python automations for GIMP Create and launch websites using Python Create a simple web crawler with Python. Python is used to programme and oversee Arduino projects. Python can be used to create dummy data to test goods. Python: How to retrieve the current directory

2.How Long Does It Take to Learn Python?

In general, given daily practise, I'd anticipate it would take a beginner 1-2 months to begin understanding Python's foundational ideas and 8–12 months to become proficient. Within three months, a seasoned programmer could likely learn Python and become comfortably fluent.

3.What's the Difference Between Python 2.x and 3.x?

Today, Python 3.x is the version that the majority of the community uses, so I advise using it. Python 2.x is only still appropriate today if your project depends on a library or framework that doesn't yet support Python 3.x.

4.How to Check Python Version

python --version Some operating systems may need this command instead: python3 --version

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